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We are the synthetic surfaces experts

For advice, installation videos, project photos, visit our previous website:

Trylawnturf started as a synthetic turf distribution company in 2016, with just a few models of lawn turf. But the success and popularity of artificial lawn was huge, so more refined models were added.

At the same time, kindergardens, daycares and schools started requesting safe and soft surfaces for play areas, to minimize the risk of injury from falling. Synthetic turf was a great solution, but could be combined with poured rubber to offer even more options.

That is when the Rubberflex division was created: poured rubber flooring, cast on the premisces, available in many colors.

Following a high demand for colorful playgrounds, the Turfdesign division was added in 2017. To group all these synthetic surfaces products, the company Syn-X (Synthetic experts) was created in 2018.

In 2020, The gym flooring division RubberBox fitness is added, as well as the Sports+ division for Game court plastic tiles.

In 2021, we added our artificial plants and trees section and in 2022, the epoxy division, forcing us to relocate in bigger spaces! In the Spring of 2023, we opened our new showroom to the public, located in Laval, and in August 2023 we launched our SPC vinyl flooring division.

Syn-X now sells online supplies for many types of synthetic surfaces, for indoor or outdoor needs, for home owners to professional contractors. Syn-X also offers professional installation of these surfaces.

Advice from experts

Get help with your project and choosing the best product for your needs by talking to one of our experts at 1-855-240-8873.


Every product on this website is available for immediate pick-out at our Laval warehouse.

Fast local delivery

We ship quickly to any address within the greater Montreal region and Laval.

Shipping across Canada

We ship our products in any part of Canada.

What about installation?

If you want a professional installation in the Montreal, Laval region, fill in this form and we will give you a price!